fredag 25. mars 2011


Today we want to maintain our privacy in the best manner. But we forget to take our precautions when surfing the internet and leave behind more digital track, enough track to reveal who we are. What causes this carelessness? 

When I log on the internet, first I check my e- post, and wthen I check my profile on Facebook . Popular forum requires registration, Otherwise you cannot send your message there. Then I open  my bank's website so I can pay my bills. Meanwhile, a tempting offer comes up during a commercial on one of the new webs I visit. So I decide to do some shopping online by using my credit card. Online shop offers to fill the questionnaire - no you do not order. Then I remember that I forgot to answer the e-mail I received last night, so I open my e-mail to take care of it. It's only been half an hour, but already I have left more of the digital tracks. Another clue to reveal who I am, my personality type and interests. And I'm not worried, because I do not give the consequences of leaving digital traces a thought. Information about Internet users is collected, processed, stored, and often no one is responsible for this is not the slightest responsibility. It Happens that the user does not even suspect that he composed a small electronic "file"

According to the advice of technology the amount of digital traces has increased because we communicate more and more over the web. An example is when I communicate via the web, and then our traces will be registrated and saved. This means that we can find out when the conversation took place and also the content of the conservation. 
Erichen write that cookies,these so called “information pods”, are necessary though they contains a lot of information about you and what you do on the internet, example your surf habits.

My  IP-adress will be registrated everywhere I go on the net.
Hasselgård compare watching the Ip-address with watching telephone calls, this contains watching your intimate confidences. Though the IP-address is anonymous and can only be accessible for the police with a approval from a tribunal, it’s possible to find out more about the address according to
Erichen. When you send an e-mail, you’ve already disclosed your IP-address. The address can be disclosed either caused by bad safety on your computer or that the computer is provoked to give away its IP-address when you go online with the computer. If you have the IP-address, you can find out where is located. And according to  Erichen there are programs that can scan any computer that are online with an IP-address and then find out a lot about a person. 
To me it seems that IP addresses are no longer anonymous. If I was surfing the net just half an hour, and already leaving more digital traces. If it is so easy to find out about someone's personal life only with the digital traces we leave behind us, why are we not more careful when we surf and communicate online?
The Norwegian supervision of data’s has implanted a survey on people’s attitude to digital traces. The survey shows that people are less worried by abuse over their personal information that they leave surfing on the web. The reason that I don’t worry about the traces I leave behind, due to my ignorance. And that’s the reason why we don’t worry, our knowledge about digital traces are minimal. According to the technology advice, people don’t know the consequences this has for they own private information.
My point is that when it comes to laws and rules regarding personal information we have strong social and ethical norms, but not when it comes to the way we act on the web. We keep our information about ourselves close to our chest and we don’t sneak in other people’s personal information. 
In Article 8 of the European Convention on Human, it says: Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
It seems that this rule has not received proper footing when it comes to the life we live on the internet. According to
Bing, the norms and rules when it comes to digital traces don’t exist because this is new for us. It has been a explosive technologic development, and the digital traces are useful. But since we don’t have developed attitudes to these traces, we don’t have ethical norms on this field. We cross borders because we easily have access on personal information. Weather this due to ignorance to the digital traces, curiosity or just simple cheekiness I think we can avoid thus if we developed ethical norms when it comes to the digital traces.

This video about Andy made me realize that there is endless information about me in the digital dossier, I can say that I have a private life? See it if you think you have a private life.

onsdag 23. mars 2011


One must always remember that info, articles, texts, etc., located on the Internet is gathered or written by another person. It's not like that "internet" has created the text. Bottom line is there anyone who has copyright info and copyright on the Internet you can read about here. Is it stand out for me as a user of the Internet to use the free texts for various purposes? Absolutely not, and an example of what you see here. Here we see that there is a growing problem that students use information from the internet, and claiming they even wrote the text. But we also see in the article that there are systems to detect this type of cheating. And good is it, for it is not very fun to "compete" with others on an exam if they cheat. In addition, it's s absolutely not ethically justifiable to cheat on exams in this way. Not that it is ethically justifiable to cheat on the exam in any other way either then.
 Here's a video with a slightly interesting perspective on exam cheating, and a way to prevent this. 

But as it is said in the video, this is ethically acceptable when?

IKT and computers are more and more used in school today.
This raises some new challenges for the teachers.
How do we educate our pupils in using these tools? Are the pupils aware of the rules when it comes down to plagiarism? They are not.

The pros for this is all the pupils which frequently use the copy and paste function when they do their schoolwork, without thinking about if this is legal or not.
The cons are of course the pupils that prefer to write in their own words, rather than use copy and paste when they do their schoolwork.
It seems that some of the pupils think or believe that all the information on the internet  is "free" to use in whatever way they want, and a few of them do so.
 On the other hand, most of the pupils are aware that copying whole stories and presenting them as their own work is wrong, and they prefer to write their own stories instead.
As a teacher it is our responsibility to educate them in the rules and laws when it comes to copying, and plagiarism.
So that they are aware which rules to follow, and the consequences if they dont. Making sure that all pupils know the rules and laws concerning this issue is a good way to minimize plagiarism in school today.
Another challenge is how to know, or find out if a pupil has cheated and copied a story from the internet instead of writing it himself. 
There is some software available to check out this. It will probably have a preventive effect if we as teachers show the pupils that there are good tools easily available to reveal those pupils who cheat in this way.

Have any thoughts around this?

torsdag 27. januar 2011


 How do we use ICT in our classroom? 

How often do you use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT's) in your classroom?
4 years ago I didn't know anything about new technologies and the possibilties they offer for us and for our students. I used to think it was too difficult and lot of hard work. Now I've discovered it's much easier than it seemed. I encourage you to begin learning and use them in your classroom. 

I thought about writing a post about the use of a "SmartBoard", interactive whiteboard. The school that I work with 3 interactive whiteboard, and I will recommend to each school. It is the perfect equipment to visualize and concretize the theory. SmartBoard is a wonderful and intuitive tools, with thousands of educational aspects. Have a look at this video and think about it.

Smartboards is an interactive, electronic whiteboard which can enhance instruction and learning. It can be used in the same way as an ordinary blackboard, you can write on it with pens and use an eraser. If you connect a computer to the smartboard a whole, new world will appear. Now the board can be used as a computer screen, and the classroom have access to all the software, including Internet browsers. The board becomes a pointing device, like a mouse. Such, you can control the computer and all its recourses directly from the smartboard.
With the introduction of Kunnskapsløftet (LK06) came the requirement to be able to use digital tools as a basic skill on a par with what to read, express themselves orally and in writing, and arithmetic. The basis of LK06 is "Culture for Learning 2003-2004"(Hereinafter Report. No. 30). It says that being able to use digital tools will be able to say use and retrieve, store, create, present, evaluate and exchange information. Each individual school should arrange for students to gain basic skills in digital competence. Norway is the first country in Europe to introduce a curriculum that is based on digital skills. In recentyears there has has been a focus on large international studies
( PISA,PIRS and TIMSS ),which has the main purpose of measuring such students' basic skills. This also includes students' digital skills. Norway has scored low in several areas, which has led to an intense debate about knowledge and measurement of pressure on Norwegian education policy.
What do you think it is great with modern ICT or old-fashioned board teaching?

 Bullying through digital media is a new type of bullying that did not exist 3-4 years ago and there are different types of this bullying, post photos of each other where one asks others to provide characteristics of appearance, and rap songs that characterize the others, Dispatch of e-mail and chat in someone else's name, after having been informed of the password.
 SMS is the much harassment and much words, and messages what to do with the other party. Being able to take pictures or film is very easy because most people have camera phones or webcams that are available. Equally easy is it to upload and distribute them on the internet. Students reported that students took the photo or filming each other in awkward situations. Pictures were posted on the Web and invited the public to comment on the pictures. Although the picture was reported did it long time before it was removed from Facebook or Youtube. The same applied to videos. Pupils were filmed in embarrassing situations, the video was posted on the internet for comments. Sometimes pictures and videos could be manipulated to that face was cut out and pasted on other bodies.
Conflict councils in Norway agree that parents have no control over what is happening and can not keep up with what children are doing, young people have full sovereignty. The same goes for teachers.
 Students know that teachers and parents knew little about what happened over the internet and sms. Some of the students said that the adults think they know much, but really they have no idea what's going on. Parents know little about the profiles of the children because many people posting inappropriate pictures of themselves while they provide much personal information. The students thought it was easy to do as you would on the Internet precisely because parents and teachers did not care, and they say that this was something that was meant for older children and when they could settle the issues that took place on the net itself.
When parents and teachers disclaims responsibility for this problem, exclude themselves to take responsibility for a very serious thing as bullying. The digital bullying takes place not only in the afternoon today, but the students took this with them at school. Thus, there is a problem at school and why the parents and teachers make some adjustments. The teachers made the facebook profile so that they could verify and investigate what the students did. Many students felt watched. In order to avoid being monitored by the teachers made the students themselves secret profiles and talked in code. Some schools have chosen to shut down sites like Facebook, but students are told that you can easily open them again by changing the Proxy settings, which the teachers are not aware of. This means that students sit with a lot of knowledge in the field of ICT. Maybe we can reverse the negative trend of digital bullying and either find a way to exploit their knowledge and resources in this field?
 I think it is important that students are made aware of network rules and how they actually behave on the Internet. At the same time I think it's important to make them aware that information about you that ends up on the internet can be destructive if misused. Inspectorate is now working to reach out to young people to show them the consequences of web publishing of photos and videos for those involved.
To communicate through digital media has the obvious positive aspects even if one disregards the digital bullying. I see that this communication is very convenient when working with a school where not able to meet.
What can we do with the digital bullying?

Social media-school teachers

Minister Kristin Halvorsen will have a cooler school. She will make the school more relevant to young people by increasing the use of social media in teaching. Among other things, she suggests the use of blog in addition to the traditional school style. Halvorsen believe social media can have a motivating effect on students, partly because it adds teaching a more practical dimension. Students use increasingly social media in their spare time, and by pulling these media more into teaching, answering Mon According to the Minister also wished for more practical training in school.
Social media can contribute to education?
The answer is an unequivocal yes! Many Norwegian teachers have adopted social media services for better learning in recent years. It requires only two things from the teacher:
1. A little knowledge about the various social media and how they are used
2. A little fantasy about teaching plans
If you, the teacher should make use of social media in education, the question is thus not whether the students will use these media. They do. The question is rather how to think in order to engage them!
If you need to engage students using the Internet, it is important to know something about the genres there.
Twitter and other micro-blogs
The media has written about and based on Twitter the last couple of years. Twitter is a micro blog service - that is, it works much like a regular blog, but each update is limited to 140 characters. These send out to the Twitter users who have chosen to subscribe to your updates.
How Twitter works, you can learn from Elin Ørjasæter:

Twitterkurs av Elin Ørjasæter Del 2 av 2


Thus, perhaps not Twitter channel if you want to turn to a wide range of students - the chance is high that they do not know the media at all. Alternatively, you can make it a class project to get started with Twitter.
However Twitter can work perfectly well to get in touch with talented teachers around Norway and the world at large. An overview of some of them here.
Collaboration Technology

Wikipedia is the best known wiki. This encyclopedia can be edited by everyone - including your students. Perhaps they are challenged to fill in with facts about historical events, geography in the area, information about their favorite celebrity or correct language errors? At the same time they can contribute to one of the largest collective knowledge projects.
All this is just a few of the many opportunities teachers have to make use of social media in teaching. It is intended as inspiration. And there are other ways guaranteed! Do you have any suggestions? List them in the comments!